VB6-to-.NET migration: myths, truths, and real-world experience
Microsoft official support for VB6 has expired in March 2009, yet there are many billions lines of VB6 code waiting to be converted to VB.NET. Many companies have postponed this step, but its now time to take a decision. Should they convert their code with the help of a tool or rewrite everything from scratch? What about converting to a language other than VB.NET? In this informal talk we will discuss all the available options and talk about some real-world migrations.

Brian commented
My vote is for Francesco Balena.
John Hickey commented
As one programmer with over 300,000 lines of code to maintain, rewritting is not an option. I have been improving and enhancing the code for over 10 years, and figure it would probably take at least a year or two to do the conversion.
Kishore Bongirwar commented
In my opinion without being original codes fully disturbed,a part of code may be experimented to VB.NET format and show the world for positiveness and fast working and more advantages over the transformation into VB.NET formatting, and the unanimous seeking votes would be better.I am having least knowledge, than any developer in this field, since, asked, i replied my views.But if people at large if voting for the desired conversions, I am with them.Thanks
Kishore Bongirwar commented
In my opinion without being original codes fully disturbed,a part of code may be experimented to VB.NET format and show the world for positiveness and fast working and more advantages over the transformation into VB.NET formatting, and the unanimous seeking votes would be better.I am having least knowledge, than any developer in this field, since, asked, i replied my views.But if people at large if voting for the desired conversions, I am with them.Thanks
Kishore Bongirwar commented
Best of luck.
I vote for you sir.
Thanks for contacting. -
Kishore Bongirwar commented
Best of luck.
I vote for you sir.
Thanks for contacting. -
Luca La Mesa commented
Votato Francesco Balena!
Walter Poloni commented
Francesco Balena
Salvatore Italia commented
Francesco Balena
Elisa Palmieri commented
Francesco Balena
birbilis commented
btw, see http://zoomicon.com/tranxform
Natale Fino commented
Still useful, tons of VB6 apps are waiting out there
Carla commented
Francesco Balena
Carmen commented
he's the man
Matthieu MEZIL commented
Very important... 8 years ago!
Parente commented
very important
Angelo commented
Luigi commented
francesca commented
David Orban commented
Voting in favor of Francesco Balena