Is this secure enough?
What technologies are you using in a day to day basis? Is it HTTPS (SSL/TLS)? Or VPN (PPTP,L2TP/IPSec,SSL)? Or is it BitLocker or TrueCrypt drive encryption? Maybe it's just plain old web browser and web surfing? If you use any of those technologies (or any other not listed here) do you think this technology or software is secure enough? Do you think your business and private data are secured? This lecture will talk about some aspects of (in)security in those technologies and it will try to show some of the bad stuff an attacker can do to compromise your system, so you could be aware and prepared for it before it hits you. And it's not about will it hit you, it's about when you will be hit by a malicious attack. Come to this lecture and learn how to protect your data and yourself from being compromised, by learning how to brake in to the system.
Daniel commented
Daniel -
Patrik Brügger commented
Ivan Rudan commented
Great topic! Got my vote!
Romeo Mlinar commented
My vote for Robert's session !
Good luck ! -
Tomislav Poljak commented
Robert rules!
Goran Zarinac commented
Vote for Robert!
Goran Zarinac commented
Vote for Robert!
Goran Zarinac commented
Vote for Robert!
Vjeko commented
Uvijek na visini zadatka :-)
Samo tako!
Tomislav Piasevoli commented
Good topic. Voted for it.
David Hodap commented
Anonymous commented
dobra tema...
Marko commented
Nice! ;)
Cap commented
Viktor commented
svako bi trebao dati po tri glasa
Danijel commented
Vote for Robert
Dario commented
Robert 3 points
Renato Mestrovic commented
Bernard commented
I vote for Robert lecture
Bernard commented
I vote for Robert lecture